How do the courses, groups and terms work?

In real life, your clients sign up for a course and then, when it starts, attend the course within the agreed schedule. The moment you have more customers in one course than you can handle, you naturally start to divide them into groups.

In the app, it works very similarly. First you need to create a course. You will then add groups to the course that your clients can join. When you create groups, you also create terms – a timetable, in which you will then record attendance.

For the whole process of creating a menu, there is a system available in the application that will help you step by step with the individual settings. More information can be found in the documentation.

What types of courses can be created?


An ongoing course is one that has more than one term and clients sign up (register) for all terms at the same time. A typical example might be a ceramics course or a language course.

One-off course

These are typically lectures, events, consultations or other meetings that have one specific date.


These are terms where the client have an option to choose just one, more or all of the terms according to their time and will. Consequently, he/she only pays for the dates he/she attends. You can attach a possibility to buy a season ticket for this type of course The process for creating Open Courses can be found in the manual.

Types of groups

Depending on the type of course, the creation of groups differs in only one detail: for ongoing and open courses, it is possible to enter multiple dates, while for one-off courses, it is possible to enter only one date.

There is no limit to the number of dates in the ongoing and open courses. So you can make two, but you can also make two hundred.

Schedules and terms

Each group contains at least one term. If there are more terms, we can also call them schedules. The dates automatically determine the time range of the course, when it starts and when it ends.

Billing periods

This is a very practical tool for companies that organise their courses in semesters. For example, if you have five groups in the winter semester and seven in the spring semester, you can distinguish them from each other thanks to the billing periods. For example, in case you would like to offer to carry over replacement lessons between semesters.

You can use the billing periods at your discretion. Whether for the individual periods in which you create courses. or for the whole school year. It is not necessary to use them, but it is a great tool.

School the basis of life

Take the example of a primary school. Various subjects (courses) are taught there. Subjects are taught in classes (groups) and when pupils go to school is determined by the schedule (terms). The school year is divided into two parts, separated by report cards (billing periods).

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