Entry pass – how does the client see it in the profile?

An entry pass is a pass that has a certain number of entries and the client is gradually counting down the entries by signing up for individual lessons/events. How to make and set it up can be found in HERE

The client has an overview of the status of the season ticket immediately on the home page of his profile, if he has already purchased it. If he has more than one, they will show up according to when he bought it.

After clicking on it, he will be taken to a detailed overview of the purchased entry pass, where he will find the date of purchase, the linked registration or the expiration date. You can also see the individual items of the entry pass – entrance vouchers (for a entry pass with 7 entries there are 7 items), whether they have been used, unused or expired and until when they can be used.

If a client have not purchased it yet, or if he used the first one and want to purchase another, he can do so in his profile. Simply click on the open course and the passes you have set up for that group will be displayed.

How does the client sign up for an appointment in the profile?

When it comes to open courses, the client chooses the classes they want and can attend. Once registered, they are not logged in for any specific date, but they have access to their profile where they can see a menu of open course times and can quickly sign up for a date that suits them with a single click.

  • Log in to your organisation’s website profile
  • If he’s already in it, he stays logged in and just needs to open his profile with one click
  • In his profile, he can see the course he is enrolled in, or multiple courses if he attends multiple courses with you at the same time, or if his children are also attending courses
  • clicks on the open course
  • in the attendance section he sees an overview of appointments (if he has registered for any) and a button Sign up for a term
  • All the dates of the group to which he/she has applied are then listed. Alternatively, linked group dates – all those where you want to allow the client to choose classes from a season pass. More about linking groups HERE
  • The client has two options
    • Login – does not deduct the entry from the season ticket, creates a price debt in the price of one hour
    • Sign up with a season ticket – deduct the entry from the entry season ticket

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