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Pricing of services
It’s summer, an opportunity to improve. With Zooza you will improve your course immediately. We want to motivate you to get started right now, when you have the space too. Get a guaranteed 20% discount off packages for 2 years. Offer valid for accounts open by the end of the astronomical summer on 09/21/2023. Attention, the number of onboarding spots is limited. Open an account today.
With annual payment 2 months free.
2 months free
Up to 10 active clients*
Unlimited number of clients
in the database -
1 lecturer
1 course
Unlimited sales of digital products
Basic functionalities
1x email package (2000 emails per month)
Up to 50 active clients*
Unlimited number of clients in the database
Unlimited number of lecturers
Unlimited number of courses
Unlimited sales of digital products
All functionalities
2x email package (2000 sent emails per month)
Up to 100 active clients*
Unlimited number of clients in the database
Unlimited number of lecturers
Unlimited number of courses
Unlimited sales of digital products
All functionalities
30 free SMS per month
3x email package (2000 sent emails per month)
Up to 250 active clients*
Unlimited number of clients in the database
Unlimited number of lecturers
Unlimited number of courses
Unlimited sales of digital products
All functionalities
2x30 minutes Zooza buddy consultation per month
50 free SMS per month
3x email package (2000 sent emails per month)
More than 250 active clients*
Unlimited number of clients in the database
Unlimited number of lecturers
Unlimited number of courses
Unlimited sales of digital products
All functionalities
3x30 minutes Zooza buddy consultation per month
100 free SMS per month
4x email package (2000 sent emails per month)
Up to 10 active clients*
Unlimited number of clients
in the database -
1 lecturer
1 course
Unlimited sales of digital products
Basic functionalities
1x email package (2000 emails per month)
Up to 50 active clients*
Unlimited number of clients in the database
Unlimited number of lecturers
Unlimited number of courses
Unlimited sales of digital products
All functionalities
2x email package (2000 sent emails per month)
Up to 100 active clients*
Unlimited number of clients in the database
Unlimited number of lecturers
Unlimited number of courses
Unlimited sales of digital products
All functionalities
30 free SMS per month
3x email package (2000 sent emails per month)
Up to 250 active clients*
Unlimited number of clients in the database
Unlimited number of lecturers
Unlimited number of courses
Unlimited sales of digital products
All functionalities
2x30 minutes Zooza buddy consultation per month
50 free SMS per month
3x email package (2000 sent emails per month)
More than 250 active clients*
Unlimited number of clients in the database
Unlimited number of lecturers
Unlimited number of courses
Unlimited sales of digital products
All functionalities
3x30 minutes Zooza buddy consultation per month
100 free SMS per month
4x email package (2000 sent emails per month)
You can create an account without providing a payment card. You can cancel your service or change your package at any time. Prices are excluding VAT.
*An active client is one who is enrolled in a course that is scheduled in the future, is in progress, or still has attendance or unspent credit available.
"Zooza improved our overview of students, courses, and lecturers. Since we are not exactly a standard language school, but we have a lot of completely tailor-made courses, we have probably prepared a few tidbits for the team at Zooza as well. But we like the patient approach of the Zooza team."
Read more about this story
"Zooza helps me and makes it easier to organise my courses, it has simplified registration and checking out of lessons. I now have more insight into my clients and at the same time my clients have more insight into the course offerings. The number of emails, sms messages and phone calls has rapidly decreased because Zooza communicates for me. Thanks to Zooze, I can spend the time I have saved on better preparation for lessons, family and relaxation."
Read more about this story
"The Zooza offer caught me depressed about not being able to handle the whole organisation of sign-ups, payments, checks, attendance and so on. The friendliness of Zooza convinced me to start working with them. It saves a lot of time and most of the administration is done by the system itself. What I used to do manually in spreadsheets is now done by the system and it also helps me to understand the dynamics of the whole project through statistics, growth and communication."
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"Thanks to Zooza we can now do more. It's simple math - all the time Zooza saves us in administration and behind the computer we can devote to courses, new projections and our customers."
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"With Zooza I have everything in one place, it's a very comprehensive and clear app. Zooza makes us look more professional. People take us more seriously. In those groups and classes where I have already set up with Zooza, the discipline of payment, signing out and signing in from lessons has improved."
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"Zooza mainly relieved us from calling and texting about replacement lessons. Our customers also appreciate the system because they have an overview in their profile of how many replacement lessons they still have available. Thanks to Zooza, we can create courses, communicate with parents, track how many children have opted out, and even send parents invoices for our services."
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"Zooza helps us the most with an overview of the registered clients. It is always up-to-date for all parties at any given moment. The practical thing is that the information for each training is traceable, we can reliably refer to it.
I especially appreciate the amazing support, which has helped us overcome many pitfalls, our own insecurities and fears of change in the early days of use. Professional and friendly human approach like nowhere else. Thanks to Zooza, we no longer have to communicate with clients individually 24/7."
Read more about this story
"Zooza has been helping us for several years in managing training and attendance. Since we have been using Zooza, communication with our clients has become easier, as the attendance and payment system is clear for them as well. Zooza is constantly evolving and surprising us with new improvements. In many ways it makes our work easier and we especially appreciate the support and their communication, where they respond to our suggestions almost immediately."
Read more about this story
Free platform
Zooza is a free platform, it doesn't force you to do anything and you can leave at any time with your data.
Protects your relations
Zooza protects your relationship with your client like no other.
The best substitutes
Zooza has a sophisticated system of substitute hours systems.
Specialist on children
Zooza serves any regular courses, clubs and clubs, but is a specialist in children's courses.
Cutting-edge technology
Zooza is phone-friendly and your clients, for example, don't need a password to access their data.
Maximum safety
We provide the latest technology in data security and protection.
Frequently Asked Questions
Zooza je ideálna pre kurzy, kde je vzťah medzi účastníkom a organizátorom kurzu dlhodobý. Ide najmä o pravidelné skupinové stretnutia s históriou dochádzky, platieb, s ponukou náhradných hodín. Teda je ideálna najmä pre jazykové kurzy, kurzy zručností, detské skupinové stretnutia, pravidelné individuálne stretnutia, kurzy plávania či tanečné kurzy. Samozrejme Zooza zvládne aj klasické skupinové stretnutia pre jógu, pilates či iné pohybové stretnutia.
Dá sa použiť ako systém na organizáciu rodinných centier a centier voľného času.
- Zooza is a free platform, it doesn’t force you to do anything and you can leave at any time with your data.
- Serves any regular courses, clubs and clubs, but is a specialist in children’s activities and courses.
- Zooza has, if not the best, then one of the best clock replacement systems in the world.
- It protects and maintains your relationship with your client like no other system.
- Provides the latest security technology.
- It is fully mobile-friendly.
- Your clients don’t need a password to access their data.
- The best support as possible is available to you.
- We have amazing clients, listen to them in particular.
Yes, 99% of all sites can do this without any problems. But there have been cases that don’t, in which case we can provide an alternative that is very similar to your site.
Ak máte systém, nie je problém vás z neho preniesť. Stačí jednoduchý import dát. Ozvite sa nám na hello@zooza.sk.
Neexistuje žiadne riziko, či záväzok. Vyskúšať alebo porozprávať sa o možnostiach máte k dispozícii zadarmo. Skúsení kolegovia v Zooza vám radi poradia.
Although it is possible, some projects do not use registration, but only a system of replacement hours, or selling digital products, or sending out emails. How you use Zooza is up to you and you can change it at any time.
The lowest package is really always free. Feel free to open an account, you won’t pay for the lowest package. You can switch between packages easily. The limit is that you just don’t collect more than 10 active registrations in scheduled activities. You can still send emails, SMS or make content available through your profile to your clients.
We can provide a discount or special benefit on services for certain reasons. Feel free to contact us anytime at hello@zooza.sk, we can make arrangements.
Payment is made by issuing an invoice, which you pay by standard bank transfer.
Paid monthly in arrears, prorated to the start date and according to the specific package you are using.
The entire platform is GDPR ready and compliant. The service works with sensitive data and therefore we treat it with the utmost care. Our servers are secure, located in Europe, as well as a secure GDPR compliant data process prepared with lawyers.
Bezpečnosť je naša priorita. Všetky dáta sú zálohované a zabezpečné tak, aby k nim mala prístup len osoba, ktorá má na to právo.
Je to voliteľný spôsob prijímania peňazí za vaše kurzy. Platobná brána od Zooza je dostupná pre vás ihneď pre platby kartou, bez dodatočných zmluv s bankovými inštitúciami. Samozrejmosťou je okamžité prijatie platby od záujemcu kurzu, notifikácie napr. o prijatí platby, spárovanie platby s registráciou, manažment platieb vrátane refundácie aj s prehľadom aj s možnosťou okamžitého vystavenia faktúry za prijatú platbu.
Peniaze vo vašom prijíma Zooza a následe vám vypláca podľa dohody (napríklad raz alebo dvakrát mesačne).
V niektorých krajinách je dostupná aj zrýchleným bankovým prevodom cez tzv. bankové tlačidla.
Simply. Open account. 1. We deploy Zooza on your website. If you don’t have a website, we’ll make one. 2. We’ll set up your account and first offer in a quick training session. 3. You try Zooza on your first 10 unique customers completely free The whole thing can take less than 24 hours.